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Israel Stolnicki's work is fully  oil  paint oriented due to the timeless truth the medium  encompasses.It investigates the flatness of surfaces through the relationship among primary colors and their posterior  mixing.


Israel Stolnicki is an architect and artist from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He studied at Escola de Belas Artes da Rua  Araujo Porto Alegre  [UFRJ], and Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage (EAV).


Twin of 1st generation of immigrants born in Madureira, suburb of Rio de Janeiro, time of the Bonde, Leiteiro de carro de Burro and where he had the first contact with painting, with artist Francisco de Paula who painted the pictures that decorated the house where he lived. 



At age 7, Israel Stolnicki moved to Copacabana Beach, where he spent time admiring the sun, the sky, the sea -- the horizon line. In 1969, a man steps on the moon and his father dies, inheriting the strength of living and performing survivors, part of the small business, which was the family's livelihood.


The reflections of art begin in the train, from Downtown, Rio de Janeiro (EBA) to Madureira, (already the land of the Samba). Israel Stolnicki was a student of Píndaro Castello Branco, the teacher and Carnavalesca Rosa Magalhães' - Creation of the Form.", during a period of dictatorship, studying courses at MAM, EAV, and with masters such as, Gianguido Bonfanti, João Magalhaes, Daniel Fingold, in their own search of their direction of art.


Israel Stolnicki's work is totally geared towards oil painting due to the timeless truth that this medium covers. He Investigates the leveling of surfaces through the relationship between primary colors and their subsequent blending. In a narrative with light and shadow, intertwining organic lines and some soft composition with white and black tones, which result in long series of paintings, "Families" that communicate with each other like fractals.


With an established studio in Joá, Rio de Janeiro, in the middle of the forest and the sea, Israel Stolnicki obsessively dedicates his time to reflections on the logic of chromatic sensations, and the sensual interpretations of his personal desires that intertwine with the visual observations of the surroundings. The research based on Abstract Expressionism which he references are: Pollock, Kooning, Auerbach, Albers, Mondrian, Rothko, Brice Marden, Twombly, Lucien Freud among others. 


Compulsively producing series of works with spontaneity, supported by the idea of ​​grids, which are placed philosophically and plastically through structured constructions. Israel Stolnicki expands its searches, sensations and inserts his plastic truth in the world.


BR +55 (21) 97957-3599 / US +1 (917) 267-7654 / UK +44 (20) 8638-0597


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